We make camping easy! Thames Valley Outfitters provides quality outdoor gear rentals right to your door.
Whether you're gearing up for a weekend camping trip, exploring local trails, or embarking on a great adventure, we've got you covered.
We make camping accessible!
Thames Valley Outfitters is based in London, ON. Our goal is to make camping more accessible for everyone in the community. By creating this sharing economy, it is easier and cheaper for families, friends, work and school groups to enjoy the outdoors! With outdoor gear rentals, you no longer need to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars on the occasional adventure. Our mission is to eliminate as much “single use” and relatively “cheap” outdoor and camping gear that is available. By repairing and reusing quality equipment, we will see less waste into our landfill, and a reduction in one time purchases from first time campers. We are committed in the efforts to keep our community green, and encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy nature! Happy Camping!
Popular rental packages
How it works
Thames Valley Outfitters offers direct to door delivery with all our outdoor gear.
1. Simply book your gear online with your desired dates.
2. Our team will confirm your booking and payment info.
3. We deliver your gear to your home, hotel, or airbnb!
4. You enjoy your trip!
5. We pick up your gear.
Where We Service
Our delivery area services major cities surrounding the Thames Valley. We are based in London, ON.
Free delivery for rentals over $200 and within the London, ON area (30KM radius).
Rentals below $200 or outside the London, ON area (30KM radius), are subject to a $30 delivery fee.
While we don't have a storefront at this moment, we are happy to accommodate pick ups in London, ON. If you are passing through the city on the day of your rental delivery, please let us know, and we will set up a location to meet.
There are no restrictions on where your rental gear can go! Rent in London, ON, camp in Algonquin!
Quality Brands
Thames Valley Outfitters is committed to providing exceptional rental services with quality outdoor gear, with reputable brands in the industry such as Mountain Hardwear, Coleman, GSI Outdoors, Mountain Equipment Company, Igloo Coolers, Black Diamond, Woods, Columbia and much more.
Give the gift of camping!
Redeem gift certificates on future bookings
Ready. Set. Camp!
Let Thames Valley Outfitters prepare you for your next adventure